Where is my donkey VR

4.9 ( 4999 ratings )
教育 ブック
開発者 Piga and Ponda
1.99 USD

Listen to the story, tell the story, sing the story, then act the story by yourself!!!

PONDA becomes a farmer this time. He has five healthy and strong donkeys. He will sell his donkeys to the best shop keeper-PIGA. Just, something incredible happens on his way to the market. One donkey is missing! Is that Big Bad Wolf Karl making troubles again? What is going on? How could PIGA help PONDA out? Come and find out what will happen in this app.

Piga and Ponda Story time provides you a chance to tell the story on your mobile device. You can enjoy your own story time by recording your own voice reading the story lines, the dialogues and singing the story song. Besides of that, you can video recording yourself telling and singing the story. You can also share the videos either by mailing or share them on your Facebook.

Soon, you will be a professional storyteller.

*Two languages: English/ Chinese
*3 modes of reading: Read it to me/ Read it myself/ Auto play
*45 pages of story fun
*Record your own voice reading the story
*Record your own video reading the story
*Mail the videos recording by you to other people
*Share the video recording by you on your Facebook
*Original story song, easy to sing along
*KARAOKE modes: Record your own voice and video singing the story song

Contact us:
E-mail: [email protected]
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/pigaandpondastorytime
Channel: http://www.youtube.com/user/PIGAandPONDA

PIGA and PONDA will lead your child learning to tell the story, play with the story, sing with the story and act the story.